Loving your friends

I'd never been one for having lots of 'girlfriends' as I'd always find they'd ends with tears, drama, backstabbing and just a lot of agro. So I left school with a handful of girl friends (shout out to my one good gal pal from school). 

As you get older you do realise that it is quality over quantity and you do get picky with your friends. I've had big girl groups and they've been horrible but there was always this massive pressure at school to have lots of friends, even if they weren't so very nice to you sometimes, and made you feel awful about yourself. At least I have lots of friends though, right? No. 

Since joining university, I've opened my heart to three beautiful gems, something I never thought I'd do. I've got my closest friend from back home who knows me inside and out and we've been through hell and back together and since then I've had friends who are girls but always kept them at arms lengths. But at uni, I've connected with these three so much. They've taught me a lot about myself, opened me up to new ideas and are there to hear me complain about my ex for the 1000th time. What friends are for though, right?

Yes we bicker, Yes we've fallen out after a night out of getting too drunk and Yes we do irritate each other but we love each other all so much and know we always have each others back. 

This post is more of an appreciation as I'm not the most affectionate person but I do appreciate there friendship so much and I'd be so lost without them. I love them dearly. 

One thing I would say, is do give girls ago and if you are one of those girls who say "I'm only friends with guys cause there's less drama" (aka me), give girls another go. People do mature, not all. There are defiently girls who have not matured from school, but you drop them straight away. It is so important to have a good, core network of girls because they keep you grounded and they'll always be there (even if it is to hear about your fuck boy ex that they keep telling you is trash)

- Meg 


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