itty bitty tittie committee
Ah, yes, a community that I have been apart of for so long, much to my younger self's dismay.
Growing up there is such a pressure to be this perfect girl, with this perfect body (including both big boobs and big bum). Luckily one I do have and the other I don't.
Having small boobs, has always been a massive insecurity, all the girls at school with the bigger boobs getting the attention, while my little fried eggs getting none (obviously). But as I've gotten older, although sometimes I do get self-conscious about my boobies still, not so much as before.
When you're younger, boys are going through puberty, trying to figure out what they like, and the general consensus is BIG TITS = FIT and when your a teenage, insecure girl also going through puberty (minus the growing of the boobs) you feel super self conscious and question if anyone will ever fancy you due to lack of boobs.
But, as I've dated boys, they've seen me naked and yes although it can take me a long time to take that push up bra off, once it has come off they've never been repulsed and no longer fancy me. I know it's a part of growing up becoming more comfortable with your body, and can take years.
I'm not saying I'm always happy with my boobs, of course I compare myself to my bigger boobed friends, but I think that is only natural. But most of the time I do feel comfortable enough with my boobs. There are many boys who do love my small boobs.
Boobs aren't everything.
And for those bigger titted ladies out there, this isn't a "my small boobs are better than yours" because that is not what I'm saying, your boobs, I'm sure are lovely. But this is for all my insecure girls who are also part of the itty bitty tittie committee.
I, for one (and all my friends who are jealous of my small perky boobs), am a proud member. We get to wear cute bralettes, our backs aren't sore and they,re perky.
Small boobs can be sexy. Big boobs can be sexy. Basically we're all sexy.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
- Meg
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